أنظمة الحماية من السرقة والإقتحام

موديول GSM

القسم: اكسسوارات
الماركة: بايرونكس مشاهدة المنتجات
Hits: 6832
Price only for authorised
  • Digi GSM Modem for Enforcer32-WE and PCX 46 v9 and above.
  • Up/download over GSM
  • ARC signalling over GSM
  • SMS messaging over GSM

Digi GSM Modem for PCX 46 panels v9 and above and Enforcer v9 and above. The Digi-GSM provides SMS text messaging for communication of alarm events, remote control and remote diagnostics for the Enforcer control panel. It also communicates Fast Format and Contact ID.

An antenna is supplied on purchasing the Digi-GSM and can be easily installed on an existing or new installation.

Please note a SIM card is not supplied.

Up/downloading over GSM

Allows communication between the panel and PC running our unique UDL software for up/downloading, diagnostic interrogation, and Automatic Remote Maintenance (ARM©) (subject to network)

ARC Signalling over GSM

Allows alarm messages to be sent to a central alarm receiving centre via common protocols Fast Format and SIA.

SMS Messaging over

GSM Allows text messages to be sent via GSM directly to up to 4 mobile telephones

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