CCTV Systems

XCAM/S External IP Video Camera

Manufacturer: Pyronix show products
Hits: 18668
Price only for authorised

Ideal for home - ENGLISH

The HomeControl+ External IP HD video camera provides the ability to monitor your home from anywhere in the world from your smart device.

Linked with the HomeControl+ Security System, you can receive notifications of events, which you can then verify through the cameras.

But, the HomeControl+ Cameras are much more than a simple security device, you can check on gates, entries and exits, any pets you keep outside, outbuildings, garages or even keep an eye on the kids when they are playing in the garden.

Ideal for business

The HomeControl+ External IP HD video camera is ideal to monitor your small business or chain of businesses. Connect multiple cameras through the HomeControl+ App and quickly and easily verify any alerts you get from your security system from multiple angles, check if anyone is still in the vicinity of the premises or acting suspiciously outside and with the HomeControl+ security system you can remotely set your alarm and check on your system status.

Video verification

The new HomeControl+ IP HD video cameras enable you to quickly and easily see video verification of any alerts or alarms in your property.

Quick and simple installation with the ability to connect multiple IP HD video cameras to the HomeControl+ App makes the HomeControl+ range of video cameras ideal for any size property or business. You can also name the individual video cameras on your system for quick reference.

Superior 15m Night Vision Range

Utilising 30 LED infrared you can view your property up to 15m away from your camera at night without the need for any added lighting.

HD quality streaming

The HomeControl+ External 1.3 megapixel IP video camera features HD 720p video streaming, with a frame rate of 25fps and H.264 compression.

WIFI or LAN enabled devices

With two connection choices, the external video camera is easy to fit, even when it is not possible to get an Ethernet cable to the device.

PyronixCloud and HomeControl+ enabled devices

The HomeControl+ range is managed through the PyronixCloud and is hosted on Amazon Web Services, with AES 256 encryption and cross verification of the devices, which makes this a highly secure system.

With the PyronixCloud there us no need for onsite configuration of the network and no static IP address needed, so installation is quick and easy.

Works even in harsh environment

With IP 66 water proof and operating temperatures of -20°C - 55°C, the X-CAM/S is perfectly suited to harsh environments and continues monitoring in any weather conditions.

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